Our age calculator helps you determine your precise age in years, months, and days, based on the birth date you provide. The tool instantly calculates the difference between your birth date and the current date, giving you an accurate result in all units.
To calculate your age, the formula subtracts the birth date from the current date and accounts for leap years and varying month lengths. This ensures that the result is as accurate as possible. The formula behind the calculation is:
The result is displayed in all these formats, so you can see the exact time since your birth in every unit possible.
For example, if you were born on January 1, 1990, and today’s date is January 1, 2024, the calculator will show:
If you were born on July 15, 2000, and today’s date is October 3, 2024, the calculator would show:
This age calculator is perfect for anyone curious about their precise age in various formats. It can be useful for fun personal milestones like calculating how many seconds you’ve been alive.
Try it yourself to see just how many years, months and days you’ve lived!