How to find the average of two numbers

Understanding How to Calculate the Average of Two Numbers

Average Calculator

Average Calculator

Calculating the average of two numbers is a simple yet essential math concept. The average, also known as the arithmetic mean, helps us find the central value between two given numbers.

Whether you’re comparing test scores, analyzing data, or just curious about balancing values, finding the average can be very useful in everyday life.

Our Average Calculator is designed to make this process quick and easy, providing you with the average by simply entering two numbers.

The Formula for Calculating the Average

The formula for finding the average of two numbers is straightforward:

Average = (Number 1 + Number 2) / 2

To calculate the average, you simply add the two numbers together and then divide the sum by 2. This gives you the value that lies exactly between the two numbers.

Practical Examples

Let’s look at a couple of practical examples to better understand how this formula works.

Example 1: Average of Two Test Scores

How to calculate the average

Imagine you received scores of 80 and 90 on two different exams. To find the average score:

Average = (80 + 90) / 2 = 170 / 2 = 85

In this case, the average score is 85, which represents your overall performance.

Example 2: Average of Two Daily Temperatures

Let’s say the temperature yesterday was 68°F and today it’s 72°F. To find the average temperature over these two days:

Average = (68 + 72) / 2 = 140 / 2 = 70

The average temperature over the two days is 70°F.

Why It’s Nice to Know

Calculating the average is helpful for several reasons:

  1. Summarizes Data: Averages give you a quick understanding of the general trend or value. Instead of analyzing individual numbers, the average gives you a clear, single result.
  2. Decision-Making: Whether you’re deciding between prices, grades, or other numbers, the average helps you weigh your options and make more informed decisions.
  3. Tracking Progress: Calculating averages over time (e.g., weekly, monthly) allows you to see trends in your progress, such as improvement in test scores, weight loss, or financial savings.

Situations Where You Can Use This Calculation

  1. Test Scores and Grades: Students often use averages to calculate their overall grade for a class or series of tests. Teachers also use averages to evaluate the general performance of a class.
  2. Financial Planning: The average is useful when calculating monthly expenses or balancing income streams. For instance, if you received two paychecks with different amounts, finding the average helps you know your typical earnings.
  3. Weather Tracking: Many people calculate average temperatures when planning vacations or seasonal activities. It gives a better idea of general weather trends over a specific period.
  4. Daily Life Decisions: From determining the average time spent commuting to finding the average cost of products, this basic calculation helps in many day-to-day decisions.


Knowing how to calculate the average of two numbers is a useful skill that can simplify various tasks. Whether you’re a student, professional, or just trying to understand trends in your life, finding the average helps you analyze information more effectively.

With our Average Calculator, you can easily compute the average with just two numbers and apply this knowledge to countless real-world scenarios.

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